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Modern Office Building

In the Media

A sampling of articles I have contributed to can be found below. Note that the information provided, while accurate at the time, may no longer apply. These articles should not be construed as tax advice and you should seek professional guidance before taking any action in your own situation.

Analyzing Graphs

The tax man cometh for small businesses, too. How to be ready

October 1, 2018

The Globe and Mail

Modern Office Building

Airbnbers and Uber drivers be warned: your income is taxable

March 2, 2015

CBC News

City Center

Claiming tuition tax relief for LD kids

June 1, 2013

Investment Executive

Glass Buildings

Why business owners shouldn't bother with an RRSP

February 10, 2016

Financial Post

Analyzing Graphs

How to claim the principal residence exemption

June 29, 2017

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